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Six Arrest Warrants; 26 FIR’s; ABSCONDER Arrested: Reasi Police

Jammu, June 15, 2021:Team of Police Station Reasi arrested a habitual thief Parvaiz Ahmed S/O Abdul Rashid R/O Malipeeth kishtwar who was absconding in six cases FIR’s No 04/2016, 73/2016, 98/2017 & 129/2015 all U/S 457/380/34 RPC Police Station Reasi and case FIR no 38/2009 U/S 457, 380 RPC Police Station Nagrota, case FIR no 103/2007 U/S 457, 380 of Police Station Ramban,  warrant issued U/S 512 CrPC by honourable concerned courts.
Thief Parvaiz Ahmed  is a notorious habitual offender in committing housebreaking and theft.
FIR NO 98/2017 was registered against the accused after he committed theft and decamped with gold bangles, neckless, rings & other ornaments from the house of Kewal Kumar S/O Soba Ram R/O Shiv Nagar Reasi.
In the year 2016 accused Parwaiz committed another theft in the house of Satish Kumar S/O Kirpa Ram R/O Shiv Nagar Reasi and decamped with gold ornaments of (the then) worth ₹ 2,70,000 and FIR number 73/2016 was registered against him in Police station Reasi.
In another case of theft, Fir number 4/2016 was registered against the accused when gold ornaments (jewelry) and cash of ₹ 10,000 stolen from the house of Pawan Kumar S/O Krishan Lal R/O Salal in which crime was proved against Perwaiz & charge Sheet was produced in the court of law.
Accused Perwaiz was arrested in all the three cases and stolen items of jewelry were recovered from him, however later he got bailed out  in all the three cases.
During investigations all the three cases were proved beyond doubt against the accused and chargesheets were submitted against him in the court of law.
To avoid conviction accused jumped the trial proceedings by going underground in all the 4 trials as he shifted to unknown places without  leaving footprints of his movement. It took more than 3 years for Reasi police to pick clues, trace & arrest the thief Parwaiz Ahmed.
By painstaking  planning and coordinated efforts after tracing police team chased the accused and arrested.
The 4 warrants out of six are U/S 512 CrPC issued by Hon’ble Court of JMIC Reasi against the accused on 03/09/2019.
Accused Perwaiz is habitual thief and he remained involved in many other theft cases of Police Station Reasi & other districts of UT of J&K.
21 cases have been traced lodged & charge sheet produced against accused Perwaiz in the concerned courts of law. Case FIR no 228/2010 U/S 454, 380 RPC; FIR no 129/2015 U/S 454, 380 RPC; FIR no 39/2016 U/S 457, 380 RPC & FIR no 112/2013 U/S 454, 380 RPC are also registered & proved against the accused in Police Station Reasi. He is facing trial in these cases also in Hon’ble Court of Reasi.
Besides these FIR no. 128/2006 US 454/380 RPC Police Station Bahu Fort, FIR no 30/2020 US 454/380 RPC Police Station Channi Jammu, FIR no 38/2009 US 457,380 RPC Police Station Nagrota, FIR no 4/2008 US 457, 380 RPC Police Station Garota, FIR no 103/2007 US 454, 380 Police Station Ramban, FIR no 171/2009 454,380 RPC Police Station Trikuta Nagar, FIR no’s 127/2009, 70/2016, 365/2016, 65/2017, 72/2017, 03/2018, 47/2018, 244/2018, FIR no 127/2009, 227/2013, 126/2015, FIR no 70/2016 & 365/2016 all under sections 454, 380 RPC of Police Station Domana, & FIR no 05/2013 of Police Station kud also registered and proved against the accused.
This is the arrest of 17th absconder against whom six arrest warrants U/S 512 CrPC issued by different courts of law, by Reasi Police in last two months.
Senior Superintendent of Police Reasi & his whole police team has resolved to leave no stone unturned to put hard core & absconding criminals to justice by arresting & producing them before respective Hon’ble courts for judicial determination of their cases trials, the laid down procedure by the law of the land.
Sh Suleman Choudhary Deputy Inspector General of Police Udhampur-Reasi range has complimented Sh Shailender Singh SSP Reasi & his team on achievement of catching this notorious thief.

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