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Raga Bhajaneshwari : A tribute to Pt. Bhajan Sopori

Varanasi, April 13, 2023: Music Maestro Pt. Abhay Rustum Sopori has introduced a new Hindustani Classical raga as a tribute to the great music legend, the Saint of the Santoor and the King of Strings, Pandit Bhajan Sopori ji. The raga has been named after Pandit Bhajan Sopori as Raga Bhajan-eshwari.

Abhay Sopori, who represents the 300 year old Santoor legacy of the fabled Sopori – Sufiana Gharana of Kashmir, presented and introduced the new raga at the 100th year celebrations of Sankat Mochan Sangeet Samaroh 2023 at Varanasi. While explaining Raga Bhajan-eshwari, Abhay said that the new raga is basically the bhajan i.e. devotion and prayer of Eshwar; the god i.e. the ultimate divine and the supreme power. And this combination makes Raga Bhajaneshwari.

Abhay presented Aalap & Jod, followed by Vilambit Gat in Jhaptaal, Bandish in Madhyalaya Ektaal and Drut Gat in Teentaal. His performance marked mellifluous playing, lightning tempo, clarity and accuracy of Raga exposition and nuances of the Sopori Baaj (style), the unique format of Classical Santoor playing created by Pandit Bhajan Sopori ji with all the essential technical and stylistic nuances of both the Gayaki and Tantrakari Angs such as Meends, Gamaks, Glides, Taans, Bols, Chhand and Laya patterns, etc. demonstrating his traditional Shaivaite – Sufi Parampara (tradition). Abhay also sang the new Bandish written by him “Tore Bin Me Kuch Bhe Nahi, Tu Hai Data, Tu He Gyata, Kripa Karo Hay Guruwar”. He was accompanied by Ustad Akram Khan on Tabla and Rishi Upadhyay on Pakhawaj.

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