Poem By Sahaj Sabharwal
Online education is made scam,
All are doing work but still results are ignored as spam.
Studying day and night online,
Defaming students symptomizing dizziness and blurred vision as drunken beer or wine.
Sitting at the same place in a same position as in a cage under home quarantine,
Ah! can’t express boredom and an unbearable pain in our neck and spine.
No doubt, modern technology is utilised for conducting online classes,
But a great problem appears as the growing number on eye glasses.
Students being frustrated, getting deviated from their studying route,
Stinging the irritated teachers by hitting Remove, Mute and Unmute.
Playing and prattling with the teachers, demanding HD or 4K quality, these network problems they can’t bear,
Students : Dear teacher, your internet connection is weak and audio or video is not audible or clear.
Along with this illusion, young prodigious writer and author expressly Sahaj Sabharwal,
Expressing thoughts in form of writing and released two books titled “Pedagogical Thoughts Made Facts” and “Poems by Sahaj Sabharwal”.
Learning dirty tricks to cheat this online phase from naughty and criminal friends and YouTube,
Running Games, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or Whatsapp in background, ignoring online lectures as life’s noob.
During examination time, mostly all were dependent on Google, as their temporary God,
Rather than pen or pencil speed, keyboard typing speed was their real sword.
Even dull students attaining unbelievable marks and making their own record,
Cheating with their own life, passing exams and standards as brainless mind. Please bless them dear real Almighty God.
Welcome to student/youth corner of The Gypsy.
In these columns we publish the opinions, articles, poems and anything that a student or a youth wants to write in his own language without any editing to let them have their say and let the people understand what our young generation is upto.
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