Of observing Youmi Ashura
Omkar Dattatray

Ashura is a day of commemoration in Islam .It occurs annually on the 10th of Muharram ,the first month of Islamic calendar .Observance of Ashura has great significance for the shia Muslims .Among Shias ,Ashura is observed through large demonstrations of high scale mourning as it marks the death of Husayn Ibn Ali ( a grandson of Muhammad),who was beheaded during the battle of Karbala in 680 CE. .Among Sunni Muslims .Ashura is observed through optional fasting because Allah saved the children of Isreal from Pharaoh and granted them victory .Also Husayn’s death is regarded as a great tragedy ,open displays of mourning are either discouraged or outright prohibited ,depending on the specific act .
In Shia communities ,Ashura observances are typically carried out in group processions and are accompanied by a variety of rituals ranging from weeping and shrine pilgrimages to more controversial acts of self –flagellation and chest beating .In Sunni communities ,there are three rounds of fasting ,based on Muhammad’s hadith –on the day before Ashura ,on the day of Ashura and on the day after Ashura ,while fasting for Ashura is not obligatory ,it is strongly encouraged .In folk traditions across countries such as Morocco and Algeria ,the day of Ashura is variously celebrated with special foods ,bonfires ,or carnivals ,though these practices are not supported by religious authorities .Due to drastically differing methods of observance between Sunnis and Shias ,the day of Ashura has come to acquire a political dimension in some Islamic countries ,and particularly in Iran ,where Shia Islam is the official state religion .
Additionally ,it has also served as a trigger for controversy as well as violent incidents between the two communities in countries such as Iraq and Pakistan .Back home in Jammu and Kashmir ,there is the history of clashes between the Sunnis and Shia’s .However it is satisfying that the Ashura procession was carried after 34 years from its traditional routes in Srinagar and it points towards the fact that peace and normalcy is fast returning J&K and in Srinagar the Ashura procession was flagged by the LG Manoj Shina .This year Ashura is being observed on 29th of July that is Saturday and the UT government has declared Ashura holiday on 29th July instead of 28th July .Ashura is particularly observed by the Shia’s and they observe this day with mourning processions and chest beating and blood flows out from the bodies of Shia mourners and it is believed that the wounds and scars of those observing Ashura are healed once they take bath after self-flagellation and this is the miracle of God .
Husayn’s grave became a pilgrimage site for Shia Muslims within a few years of his death .A tradition of pilgrimage to the shrine of Imam Husayn and other Karbala martyrs ,known as Ziarat ashura ,quickly developed .Ashura was remembered by Jafaris ,Qizibash ,Alevi-Turks and Bektashis during the period of Ottoman Empire .It is of particular significance to Twelver Shais and Alawites who consider Husayn Ahil al –Bayt ,the third Imam to be the rightful successor of Muhammad .According to Kamran Scot Aghaie ,’’The symbols and rituals of Ashura have evolved over time and have meant different things to different people .However ,at the core of the symbolism of Ashura is the moral dichotomy between worldly injustice and corruption on the one hand and God-centered justice ,piety ,sacrifice ,and perseverance on the other .Also Shiite Muslims consider the remembrance of the tragic events of Ashura to be an important way of worshipping God in a spiritual or mystical way .This is a day of remembrance ,and mourning attire is worn .
This is the time for sorrow and for showing respect for the persons passing and it is also time for self reflection when a believer commits themselves completely to the mourning of Husayn .Shia Muslims refrain from listening to or playing music since Arabic culture generally considers playing music during death rituals to be impolite .Nor do they plan weddings or parties on this date .Instead they mourn by crying and listening to recollections of the tragedy and sermons on how Husayn and his family were martyred .This is intended to connect them with Husayn’s suffering and martyrdom ,and the sacrifices he made to keep Islam alive .Husayn’s martyrdom is widely interpreted by Shai Muslims as a symbol of the struggle against injustice ,tyranny and oppression .
Shia Muslims believe the Battle of Karbala was between the forces of good and evil ,with Husayn representing good and Yazid representing evil .Shia Muslims insist that Ashura should not be celebrated as a day of joy and festivity .According to the Eighth Shia Imam Ali al-Rida ,it must be observed as a day of rest ,sorrow ,and total disregard of the worldly matters .Some of the events associated with Ashura are held in special congregation halls Known as ‘Imambargah’and’ Hussainia’ The world Sunni Movement celebrates this day as the National Martyrs Day of the Muslim nation under the direction of Syed Imam Hayat .
Shias observe Azadari (mourning) rituals .The word Azadari is a Persian word which means mourning and lamentation ,and Majalis –e-Aza are used exclusively in connection with the remembrance ceremonies for the martyrdom of Imam Hussain .Majalis-e-Aza ,also known as Aza –e-Husayn ,includes mourning congregations ,lamentations ,matam and all acts which express the grief and, above all, repulsion against what Yazid stood for .These customs show solidarity with Husayn and his family .Through it ,people mourn Husayn’s death and express regret for the fact that they were not present at the battle to save Husayn and his family .
Thus for Shia Muslims ,the commemoration of Ashura is an event of intense grief and mourning .Mourners congregate at a mosque for sorrowful ,poetic recitation such as marsiya ,noha,latmiya ,and soaz performed in memory of the martyrdom of Huayn ,lamenting and grieving to the tune of beating drums and chants of ‘’Ya Hussain’ ’.Ulamas also give sermons on the themes of Husayn’s personality and position in Islam ,and the history of his uprising. .
The Sheikh of the mosque retells the story of the Battle of Karbala to allow listeners to relive the pain and sorrow endured by Husayn and his family and they read Maqtal Al-Husayn .In some places ,such as Iran ,Iraq and the Arab states of the Persian Gulf ,passion plays known as Tazieh are performed..reenacting the battle of Karbala and the sufferings and martyrdom of Husayn at the hands of Yazid .It is obvious that Ashura is not a festival and is not celebrated as such .
It is observed as remembrance ,recollection ,grief ,suffering and the martyrdom of Husayn for truth and for reliving of Islam .Let us bow down at the feet of this great savior of Islam for sufferings and martyrdom at the hands of Yazid .May we observe this day with mutual respect and brotherhood in memory of Husayn and what he stood for.
(The author is a columnist, social and KP activist)
{Views expressed by the authors are their personal and The Gypsy has nothing to do with them.}