Jammu, July 23, 2021: With an objective to inculcate the Sports Culture, Moral values and Ethics among the rural Youth of J&K, A Coaching Camp of the selected players from 5 Villages is being conducted at M.A Stadium, Volleyball Ground today. The players will be trained under the experts from the Sports Council and the equipments pertaining to the smooth conduct of this camp will be provided them said Ashok Singh-Divisional Sports Officer, J&K Sports Council Jammu These trainees thanked Secretary, J&K Sports Council and officials from council posted in Jammu for providing National level infrastructure and platform for the first time. The move shall not only encourage the players but also motivate them to be ambassadors to promote sports among the other youth of the respective area they belong to. Today’s practice session was conducted at M.A Stadium, Jammu and following players participated

1. Ayush Jamwal
2. Ganeshwar Jamwal
3. Sahil Kumar
4. Aman Kangla
5. Vinod Kangla
6. Vishal Kumar
7. Ajit Singh
8. Ashish Kumar Singh
9. Karan Kumar Singh
10. Ansh Changotra
11. Tarseem Lal