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Manjit Singh seeks compensation for farmers affected with hailstorm

VIJAYPUR, OCTOBER 25, 2021: Apni Party Provincial President and Former Minister Manjit Singh today visited Rajpura block in Samba district and met the farmers whose paddy crops have been damaged due to heavy rains and hailstorm.

During his visit to the block, Manjit Singh interacted with the farmers and listened to their grievances post devastation of paddy crops.

Manjit Singh said that “Nothing has been left for the farmers as all the paddy crops which are almost ready are destroyed in the heavy rains and hail storm.”

He said that the Govt. should declare compensation for the farmers immediately on the pattern of natural calamity.

He also demanded that the KCC loans should be waived off as the farmers are not in condition to pay the installments of the loan.

“It is time to stand with the farmers and provide them as much as support and compensation so that they overcome the devastation they have faced,” he added.

He said that the administration should immediately take assessment of the losses suffered by the farmers and provide the compensation accordingly.

The Former Minister was accompanied by the District President, Samba, Raman Thappa and Ex-Sarpanch, Darshan Choudhary during his visit to the block.

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