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LAHDC Leh hosts Legislators’ Meet to discuss EPR policies and its implementation in the Indian Himalayan Mountain States

“If producers can bring waste to the mountains, they should also take responsibility to take it back or not bring it at all” - CEC LAHDC Leh

Leh, October 11, 2022: LAHDC Leh hosted the Mountain Legislators’ Meet on the occasion of Sustainable Mountain Development Summit XI in the Assembly Hall of the Council Secretariat today. The agenda for the meeting was ‘Extended Producer Responsibility: Policy to Practice’.
The meet was chaired by the Chairman/CEC, LAHDC Leh, Adv. Tashi Gyalson. Dy Chairman LAHDC Leh, Executive Councillors & Councillors of LAHDC Leh and Kargil, President IMI, Former CEC/Co-Convenor, SMDS XI, PCCF Ladakh, BDC Chairpersons of Leh, and delegates from across the mountain states and UTs of the Indian Himalayan region attended the Meet.
Issues of climate change and solid waste management, including the need for extending EPRs in the mountain states and UTs of the nation, were discussed during the meeting. Virtually attending the meeting, delegates from the United Nations Environment Programme and the European Union also presented their visions and projects to tackle waste management.
Report compiled on Brand Audit in Leh by the govt. school students and volunteers of NYK Leh were presented by Secy IMI and founder Little Green World during the meet.
CEC Tashi Gyalson presented the declaration of the MLM and moved a resolution on the need for extending EPRs in the Indian Himalayan Mountain States and UTs. While addressing the house he stated, “If producers are bringing waste to the mountains, they should also take responsibility to take it back, or they should not bring it at all.”
The resolution was unanimously passed and signed by all the elected representatives present during the meeting.
Earlier President IMI, P.D Rai presented the inaugural address followed by the address by EC LAHDC Kargil, Punchok Tashi. Dy Chairman, LAHDC Leh, Tsering Angchuk presented the note of thanks at the end.

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