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JKNPP Working Committee meeting postponed 

Jammu, June 12, 2021: Prof.Bhim Singh, President, J&K National Panthers Party (JKNPP) conveyed to all District Committee members  from J&K and Ladakh that the Working Committee meeting fixed on June 13, 2021 stands cancelled because of Covid-19 pandemic as several District Committees in Poonch, Doda, Kashmir Valley & Ladakh have expressed difficulty in reaching Jammu.  They have requested that the Working Committee meeting may be fixed after July 15, 2021 either in Jammu or in Kashmir Valley.
In a message to all District Committees and the Members of the Secretariat Prof.Bhim Singh in a strong message said that the party stands for—
i).      Restoration of Statehood of J&K with Ladakh. State of J&K including Gilgit-Baltistan as well as in the North-East (Ladakh) was founded by first Dogra Mahajara Gulab Singh in 1846.  The party stands for restoration of statehood without any delay as our claim on the territory including Gilgit-Baltistan and 36,000 sq. kms. of our territory under the illegal occupation of Pakistan & China since 1947/48 has also been diluted before the United Nations because of conversion of the State of J&K into two Union Territories. The foremost mission of the Panthers Party is to revive the Statehood of J&K.
ii).     Every Panthers Party leader and worker or those who are associated with the Panthers Party should raise their voice throughout the State.
‘Return Statehood to J&K & hold Assembly elections without any delay’
The Panthers Party strongly condemns the propaganda launched by anti-social, anti-national and communal elements by the so-called social media. He expressed surprise at the silence of the Modi administration and the government to take appropriate legal action against the false and misleading propaganda by a handful Agencies who are using such false propaganda to create hatred and terror among the people. Articles 14 & 19 and other provisions in the Constitution of India do not allow spread of false rumours which generate hatred or conflict among the citizens of the country. He said, why appropriate and legal action is not taken against those who are spreading hatred through false propaganda. The silence of the administration, particularly in Jammu and Kashmir is surprising.
The Panthers Party leadership as well as every worker should convey the message of unity, integrity, brotherhood for United State of J&K to end all rumours and anti-national propaganda. Prof.Bhim Singh appealed to the Panthers Party to start communication with all secular, nationalist, peace-loving political parties in Jammu and Kashmir and in the rest of the country. He said no war, no conflict, no division, no hatred and strengthening brotherhood all over the world is the slogan of JKNPP.

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