O. N. Koul
Kashmir was famous world over for its communal harmony and composite culture and even during partition of the country when whole of India and Pakistan was burning with violence and communal frenzy Kashmiris maintained mutual brotherhood .But some evil force set its eye on Jammu and Kashmir in 1989-90 and the Kashmiriyet was torn into pieces and communal amity was destroyed as the militancy and insurgency took Kashmir into its lap .Thirty two years of turmoil and militancy now passed into history and the situation is becoming slowly and steadily normal .The yearly and important Amarnath Yatra in the south Himalaya cave of Amarnath continued even in those dark of militancy but in subdued manner.Now the people of Kashmir should rise up and grab the opportunity provided by the famous Amarnath Yatra to showcase Kashmiriyet that is composite culture and communal harmony .The Muslim community which is associated with this Yatra should wholeheartedly participate in Amarnath Yatra and welcome it like the days of yore .The people of Kashmir should support and facilitate this famous Yatra and provide all help in the shape of men and material for the convenience and smooth yatra .The Muslims of Kashmir should stand up and show to the world that whole of Kashmir welcomes and participates in the Amarnath Yatra so the world will again know and appreciate the hospitality of Kashmir and their Hindu-Muslim amity and mutual brotherhood .Amarnath Yatra is the best and golden opportunity to demonstrate that communal harmony ,composite culture and Kashmiriyet is still alive and continuance of this age old Yatra dedicated to Lord Shiva and his consort Mata Parvati is testimony to the fact that Kashmiriyet is alive and kicking and the Kashmiri Muslims provide all help to the Yatra as in the yester years .This arduous Yatra through trekking to the Himalayas in south Kashmir is possible with the help ,support and active participation of the Muslim community and the Kashmiris deserve all praise and appreciation for supporting and facilitating the Yatra and there is need to reinforce the trust and faith of the Muslim community in helping and participating in the Yatra .Though basically a Hindu Yatra ,there are no two views about the fact that Amarnath Yatra has become a shining example of communal harmony and mutual brotherhood but there is great need to demonstrate this characteristic about Kashmiriyet viz a viz the age old Yatra .The Kashmiris should welcome and embrace Amarnath Yatra and show to the whole world that this Yatra is very dear to the Kashmiris and from the past they are anxiously waiting for this sojourn of Hindi-Muslim unity and they are part and parcel of the Amarnath Yatra and in fact the smooth running of the Yatra is not possible without the support and help of the local Muslims .The labors ,Poniwallas ,Palkiwallas,Gourdawallas ,tourist guides all are local Muslims and again the government employees deputed for facilitating the Amarnath Yatra are by and large Muslims and Kashmiris take great pride in the success of this Yatra as it is the Yatra which is the window to the world which showcases the rich cultural heritage of Kashmir and shows to India and the whole globe that Kashmiris are privileged to welcome ,embrace and facilitate as well as help the Amarnath Yatries with love and affection .Amarnath Yatra is the living example of communal harmony and Hindu-Muslim unity and amity and all Kashmiris respect ,revere and uphold the composite culture of Kashmir .The ex chief minister and president of PDP Mehbooba Mufti is right in emphasizing upon the Kashmiris that they should seize the opportunity provided by the Amarnath Yatra and showcase to the India and the whole world the composite culture and Hindu-Muslim amity and last but not least the Kashmiriyet which is so dear to all Kashmiris and they like to protect ,preserve and fructify it and annual Amarnath Yatra is the best and unique opportunity to show to the world the composite culture and communal harmony of Kashmir for which this land of sufis and Rishis is famous throughout the world. .The people of Kashmir should rise above narrow considerations and welcome ,embrace and facilitate Amarnath Yatra so that smooth and hassle free Yatra is possible .People of Kashmir should conduct themselves in such a way while providing a helping hand to the Amarnath Yatra so that a positive and encouraging message of communal harmony and composite culture is given to the world .The message of total changed atmosphere in Jammu and Kashmir should be brought home to the people in India and abroad that normalcy has come back to Kashmir and the people of Kashmir are jostling that the time of annual Amarnath Yatra has come and they will cooperate with the Yatris for the successful culmination of the Yatra .The annual Amarnath pilgrimage is a big source of economy for the UT’s people and thus all those associate with the Yatra are economically benefitted .A large number of the Yatris also visit the scenic and tourist spots of Kashmir and so the people connected with the tourist economy gain from this Yatra. .Tour and travel agents ,tourist guides ,Shikarawallas ,houseboat owners ,traders ,handicraft shop owners ,taxi operators et al are benefitted by the Amarnath Yatra and all such people and others as well are anxiously waiting for the annual Amarnath Yatra and take great pleasure in the Yatra .It is pertinent to mention here that the some percentage of the donations which are offered to the Lord Shiva are distributed to the Mallik family which is believed to have found the cave of holy Amarnath in the old times .Thus Amarnath Yatra is a shining example of Hindu-Muslim amity and the Kashmiris should seize the opportunity of Holy Amarnath yatra and showcase the rich cultural heritage of Kashmir and also impress to the countrymen that the people of Kashmir will warmly welcome the Yatra.
(The author is a columnist, social and KP activist)