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Jammu and Kashmir much discussed about in the world

Omkar Dattatray

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given to the countrymen his historical 100th episode and telecast of his famous and useful Manki Baat programe on Sunday 18thof June 2023, this time earlier because Modi will be in United States on the last Sunday of the month. He talked about a Varity of issues concerning the people and his governance which are of interest and benefit to the people. Modi emphasized that Jammu and Kashmir today is much talked about subject in the country and abroad because of the changing scenario and narrative. Jammu and Kashmir is hogging attention of the world due to the recently held successful G20 event and due to positive change.Due to unprecedented increase in the footfall of tourists to the UT has attracted the attention of the globe towards Jammu and Kashmir and today the UT is much talked about in the country and abroad for positive developments and this in fact is a welcome development for the UT. In the past Jammu and Kashmir was notorious for insurgency, militancy, terriorism ,killings ,violence and much more. But today militancy and violence is history and now J&K is being discussed for increase in tourist footfall and also for the success of the recently concluded tourism working group meeting and this lead to the discussion of Jammu and Kashmir in the world fourms and this is no mean development but is a significant development.Modi said it rightly that tourism ,G20 meet lead to lot of discussion on Jammu and Kashmir in the country he also said that collective will of the people can achieve any goal ans all challenges and troubles as well as natural calamities can be surmounted by the will ,hard work and determination of the people. PM Naiender Modi  said nowadays there has been a lot of discussion about Jammu and Kashmir in the country due to rising tourism and spectacularconduct of the G20 event.He mentioned this while addressing monthly programme Mann Ki Baat on All India Radio.Nowadaysthere has been a lot of discussion about Jammu and Kashmir in the country due to rising tourism and spectacular events of G20 the PM said referring to heavy rush of tourist footfall in the union territory and successful conduct of Tourism Working Group meeting of G20 in Srinagar.There has been heavy rush of tourists in Jammu and Kashmir and it is expected to further go up with the start of annual pilgrimage to  Amarnathji Shrine situated in south Kashmir Himalays.from July first to August 31ST The three day G20 summit in Srinagar attended by a large number of foreign delegates was a total success and all this resulted in the discussion of Jammu and Kashmir not only in India but abroad as well.In the recent past Jammu and Kashmir was notorious in the world for militancy and Killings but today J&K is famous for positive change,development and rush of tourists who throng the UT from different countries and corners of the world and there is thus the talk and discussion about Jammu and Kashmir in the country and abroad and this is good for the UT and its people. The people of the country and the world appreciate the positive change and development of Jammu and Kashmir and the people of the globe are visiting the UT and thus there is tourist rush in Jammu and Kashmir and this is contributing to the tourist economy and industry of the UT and this is a big development as its impact is seen in the increasing employment opportunities in the Jammu and Kashmir and it also lead to the increase in the per capita income of the people and also an increase in the living standards of the people. All these positive developments augur well for the economy of the Jammu and Kashmir as the UT economy gained significantly by the heavy rush of the tourist footfall in the Jammu and Kashmir. Thus the tourist economy of the Jammu and Kashmir gained much as all the people and stakeholders associated with the tourist industry got impetus and their livelihood got upwards trend and their incomes increased beyond imagination. All these and other positive developments lead to the present discussion about Jammu and Kashmir within and without the country. The people world over are evincing much interest in Kashmir as the people of the world want to visit the UT to have a glimpse of the paradise on earth and so people all over the world are attracted towards Jammu and Kashmir and this is in the interest of the people of the UT. The people of Jammu and Kashmir are gaining a lot from the heavy rush of the tourists and they favor the peace, tranquility, normalcy and consequent development. All said and done it can be opined that Jammu and Kashmir is these days being talked and discussed in and outside the country and this is a big favor for the people of Jammu and Kashmir.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

(The author is a columnist, social and KP activist)

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