G20 is a big and Hard Slap in the face of Pakistan
Omkar Dattatray

There are no two opinions about the fact that successful culmination of the historic G20 recently is in fact a big and hard slap in the face of the rouge state of Pakistan .The Pakistan’s noise and uncalled far and biased allegation that India has used and misused its G20 presidency to fulfill its selfish objectives in Jammu and Kashmir and strengthen its position about Jammu and Kashmir .But to the dismay of our selfish and cunning neighbor Pakistan ,there were no takers of the Pakistan’s view and its noise was lost in the din and fervor of G20. G20 is the answer to the Pakistan who had raised the objection to holding of G20 meeting in Jammu and Kashmir .Pakistan’s biased objection to India’s holding of G20 in Kashmir miserably failed as it in no way impacted and affected the enthusiasm and zeal of India to hold the G20 delegates working group meeting in Kashmir and she held the extra ordinary meeting of the world grouping successfully .
The redundant objection of Pakistan has failed to attract the global attention as all the big powers expect China which is the big brother of Pakistan acknowledge and appreciate that Jammu and Kashmir is the inalienable part and parcel of India and even the united nations general assembly and its general secretaries have umpteen times emphasized that that its resolutions about giving opportunity to decide the future of Jammu and Kashmir and all talk and resolution of holding plebiscite had lost the value because of the afflux of long time and also because of the fact that Pakistan has failed to vacate its control of the occupied Kashmir .Thus as per the UNO all those resolutions of plebiscite are superfluous and redundant and it is of no value to raise the question of plebiscite .
Thus India went on with the holding of the G20 despite of raising objection to the holding of G20 meeting .The successful conduct of the crucial G20 meeting in Jammu and Kashmir has strengthened the position and standing of India about Jammu and Kashmir being an integral part of the country .The G20 has affirmed the stand of India about Jammu and Kashmir as its part .The successful conduct and conclusion of the G20 meeting of the worlds influential countries through the participation of their delegates has given sleepless nights to Pakistan and that country seems uneasy over it but its objection has found no favor in the international community except China’s backing and china has also skipped the crucial G20 meeting in Jammu and Kashmir like Pakistan and Turkey .
Pakistan has raised the issue of holding the influential G20 meeting to internationalize the matter but she failed in its dubious mission and know she should learn from it and stop raising the beaten track on Jammu and Kashmir because she has no supporters in the world .By boycotting the crucial world grouping in Kashmir she has been isolated on the international plane and so she should stop to tread the wrong path and be practical and futuristic and give its rigid stand which has exposed Pakistan in the whole world. Nonparticipation a of the epoch making and historical tourism working group G20 meeting has given serious blow to Pakistan and has exposed in the international arena .Union MOS Dr Jitendra Singh has rightly said that non participation by Pakistan is her problem and by doing so the real face of Pakistan is before us and the hard fact is that no country takes Pakistan seriously .
Pakistan should mend its behavior and stop raking Kashmir issue as it has lost its relevance and so there are no takers of the Pakistan’s view about Jammu and Kashmir .The fact that the people of Jammu and Kashmir have warmly welcomed the crucial world meeting is not digestible to our enemy Pakistan which is making new overtures about so called Kashmir but is always been isolated internationally .As against this India which is the biggest democracy of the world is heard and respected throughout the world and the internationally her position and standing over Jammu and Kashmir finds many supporters and so her position about Jammu and Kashmir is by and large accepted by the world .Pakistan is required to mind its own business and improve its domestic economy and civil war conditions and provide food to the hungry people who are passing in very difficult times and the IMF is not bailing its economy .
Therefore Pakistan should save the country from economic and political crises and also save it from bankruptcy as that country is at the verge of insolvency .India’s G20 summit is a slap in Pakistan’s face .Despite Pakistan’s boycott call ,the member nations of the organization of Islamic cooperation –OIC attended the G20 tourism meeting in Kashmir hosted by India .Pakistan failed to impress the OIC and its member countries did not pay any heed to the Pakistan and this is no less than a rebuke on Pakistan .
India successfully thwarts Pakistan’s plans to scuttle the crucial world meeting by conducting it successfully with the participation of delegates from the world and with the support of the people of Jammu and Kashmir who regarded the G20 meeting as the harbinger of peace and prosperity .People of Jammu and Kashmir were anxiously waiting for the crucial G20 meeting and they warmly welcomed and embraced the summit which nerved Pakistan and its agents back home who never wanted the big event in Jammu and Kashmir and did everything to derail the meeting but it failed .To conclude it can be summed up that G20 is the hard slap in the face of Pakistan.
(The author is a columnist, social and KP activist)