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Five-day long celebration of SVANidhi Mahotsav concludes in Leh

Leh, July 16, 2022: The five-day long SVANidhi Mahotsav, organised by the Municipal Committee Leh from July 11-15, to commemorate the success of PM SVANidhi with street vendor beneficiaries and families concluded in Leh today.

During the occasion Chairman/ CEC, LAHDC, Leh, Adv. Tashi Gyalson was the chief guest.

CEC Gyalson thanked the Municipal Committee Leh for organising such an event. He said that the PM SVANidhi scheme was launched to facilitate working capital loans to the street vendors to help them restart their businesses which was adversely impacted due to COVID-19 pandemic.

CEC Gyalson shared that the scheme is the first comprehensive effort for the financial inclusion of the street vendors.

Furthermore, he urged the street vendors to avail of the benefits of such schemes.

President, Municipal Committee Leh, Dr Ishay Namgyal informed that under the scheme 247 eligible beneficiaries were benefitted and 27 lakhs have been disbursed. He also stressed street vendors to take advantage of such schemes.

On the occasion, Ladakh Art and Culture Society presented a culture program and Women Theatre Artist, Leh also presented a street play on the theme JULON (Message).

Executive Officer, Municipal Committee Leh, Stanzin Rabgyas highlighted the schemes and the upliftment of street vendors and also presented the vote of thanks.

The five-day event saw huge participation of the public and tourists aimed to celebrate the achievements of the atmanirbhar street vendors of Leh.

Deputy Commissioner, Leh, Shrikant Suse; Upper Leh Councillor, Stanzin Tsepag; Lower Leh Councillor, Tsering Namgyal; Councillor Phyang, Tundup Nurboo besides other concerned officers/officials and audience were present during the concluding ceremony.

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