31 years on, tearful saga still continues; Will their wounds heal anytime?
Healing touch eludes our front-line terrorist victim family, more than three decades on, the tearful saga continues, as our wounds are still raw, will they heal any-time?
Holocaust Day 19th January

By: Rajinder Premi
Despite the cries and sorrow of the KP families affected by the terrorism in Kashmir, the Govts have not been able to embalm our inflicted wounds. Our tales of suffering still continue even after three decades of our forced exile. We have not only lost our near and dear ones but had to abandon our homes and hearths in this back drop. We had not to come out of the valley, but had to flee elsewhere for safety and security of the rest of the family members only after the Martyrdom of my father and younger brother.
Exactly 31 years after we were displaced and rendered homeless, the tears in our eyes have still not dried. We have managed to get along our lives with steely-grit and determination, but a mere mention of those horrific days, enough to break the carefully put together composure, the agony, the helplessness and the anger directed more towards the Govt. for their callous attitude and a little towards fate and destiny.
It has been these 31 years since tragedy struck our house hold, but for us time seems to have stood still by our side. Our family trauma is too well known to need a repetition, as the family has been a front-line victim of terrorism. We did not only loose two male family members, but quite a lot of property, looted away by the militant kidnapers, leaving almost destitute. The devastation also leads too disintegration of a once solid family. The then young widow of my slain younger brother, Usha got employed in Telecom Department in place of her husband. Now she is retired. Her daughter Promila, then one and a half year old has now been married for the past five years.
Even after three decades of the tragic happenings in the family the murderers are scot free. The case was closed as un-traced in 1992, as was intimated to us by the DIG of South Kashmir Range, Anantnag. Neither there has been any clue of the property looted away by the intruders.
Our two native houses in our ancestral village have been burnt-down by the subversive in Aug 1998, along with our Cowshed. We were a single KP family living in our village and our local temple was also burnt-down in Dec 1992. For us the wounds are still raw. What hurts us more is the attitude of the state authorities, who have not honoured their assurances and promises. They have always been in a denial mood. Although we brought our tragic and pathetic case into the notice of all successive Union/ State Govts. who all conveyed their sympathies and assured of their full support and assistance, which proved only a lip-services. However, what has given the family some solace is the unstinted support of some eminent friends of my illustrious father.
All other family members are in-consolable with grief. It is too painful a memory for the entire family. Two of my elder uncles also passed away in Jammu during this year of tragedy, due to this shock, which came as a bolt from blue.
Many promises were made by the then Govt., which have not been kept and are still unfulfilled. The Govt. has been too callous to us. Every Govt. officer visiting our family during those days of painful tragedy, pain and agony promised their full support and assistance in fully rehabilitating the up-rooted and devastated family but sorry nothing has been done in this direction; we had to start life afresh from a scratch, as nothing in cash or kind was left in the family. The Govt. has been treating our case casually with a tough bureaucratic approach, rubbing salt on our inflicted wounds. Our case needed a special treatment with more human touch, as it involved extreme compassion.
“Is there anything enough which can fully compensate the Physical loss? Can anybody bring back the martyred people? But the Government could perhaps wipe out the tears of the survivors. The demands could be full filled as a mark of respect and also a tribute to them. The rigid rules could be relaxed which I think is fully justified in the circumstances of the case.” I think.
When National Commission for Human Rights was established by the Govt. of India, I brought into the notice of NHRC the atrocities, genocide, human rights violation, ethnic cleansing faced by my exiled community in a four-page simple hand-written letter in 1994. The NHRC took a Suo-Moto cognizance of my petition-letter and granted me the full commission of Justice Ranga Nath Mishra, Justice S S Kang and Justice B B Fatima, audience on a humid-hot June of 1994. My precise focus was on denial, deprivation and discrimination suffered by the exiled community. I also prayed for preventive, punitive, and restorative measures. Later on when All India Kashmiri Samaj & Panun Kashmir Movement also moved their respective petitions, my petition was also clubbed with these two and we were regularly heard together by the commission. In 1999, the NHRC gave its verdict and appreciated me on my arguments on genocide. The NHRC transferred my family case to SHRC J&K in year 2008 asking them for a speedy-disposal, as the state Govt. had miserably failed to redress the genuine and justified grievances of this patriotic and front-line terrorism victim family.
The SHRC after a prolonged hearings for more than four years, in its double bench verdict, the first of its kind in a KP case asked the State Govt. to redress the grievances – “Sooner the Better” in its judgment dt: 22.2.2012. Although the state Govt. held many high-level meetings chaired by the Principal Secretary to Hon’ble Chief Minister, Financial-Commissioner RR&R D.M, the Chief-Secretary and the last but not the least by the advisor (V) to the Governor on 4.10.2018 at Srinagar, but unfortunately neither the decision taken in these meetings nor the recommendations of the SHRC have been translated into action so far. This continued callous attitude of the Govt. is not only an utter disregard to the state’s own Institution SHRC, but also an insult to the family of a martyr who have suffered so much heavily at the hands of the militants.
These decisions as well as the judgments of the SHRC have been confined with the paper work in Govt files of J&K, but we are hopeful to get our due. Justice has been much delayed in our-case as the Govt. has always remained in a denial mood. We are not asking to be rewarded because we are loyal to the Nation and suffered only on account of this, when the Govt. failed to provide us the due safety and security, primarily, we certainly deserve not be treated like this.
When all our requests and reminders fell on deaf ears of the Govt I filed an online petition in the NHRC on 15.7.2020, requesting NHRC to take a Suo-motu cognizance, appealed for its intervention for restoration of justice to this front-line terrorist victim-family, by implementing the directions of the J& K SHRC verdict dated 22.2.2012, and also the decisions of the State Govt. Accordingly the NHRC taking the IST action on this case on 30.8.2020 asked the J&K UT Govt, to send its action taken report within 4 weeks.
The J& k Govt did not submit any report & the NHRC ordered on 16.10.2020 to issue a final reminder, calling for submission of the desired report within 4 weeks, failing which the commission will be constrained to invoke its coercive powers u/s 13 of the PHR act 1993, calling for personal appearance of the authority concerned before the Commission. The chief secretary J& k was asked to submit the report to the NHRC latest by 23/11/2020.
The U T Govt of J & K again, maintaining a criminal silence did not pay any heed to these directions, compelling the NHRC on 21.12.2020, to issue the directions to the chief secretary UT J&K for a personal appearance. The Commission observed with pain that j& k Govt was overlooking & undermining the NHRC. Now this pathetic & tragic case will come up again before the full Commission of the NHRC on 29.1.2021 for final disposal. Let us hope for the best.
I am pretty hopeful that the present dispensation of the UT of J&K, as well as the union Govt lead by Modi ji. will definitely find some time to mitigate the sufferings of all such families who have been living as refugees in their own country for the past 31 years now
Through this write-up I wish to awaken the conscience of not only the whole Indian Nationhood, but also of the whole world, to rise to the occasion on our 31st Holocaust Day of the exiled Kashmir Pandits and take cognizance of our plight and play their positive role to get this law-abiding, patriotic and most educated community re-settled and rehabilitated in their homeland, which they have been urging and demanding so far.
I would like to end my write-up with the famous Urdu couplet:
“Jahan Karwaan Bhool Jaate Hai Raasta,
Nikal Aati Hain Wahin Se Manzil Ki Raahein”