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Covid-19 spike: Jammu, Shopian achieve 100% vaccination of 45 age group  

Ganderbal, Samba also to complete 100% in coming days

Jammu, May 26, 2021: The two districts in Jammu and Kashmir have achieved 100 percent vaccination of all above 45 age group with at least the first dose of Covid-19 inoculation.

The two districts which have completed 100 percent vaccination in all above 45 group include Jammu district in Jammu division and Shopian in Kashmir division.

The other two districts which are set to achieve this milestone include Samba in Jammu division and Ganderbal in Kashmir division.

Officials from Shopian told that health care workers besides other front line workers have visited door to door to counsel people about the need of vaccination.

They said that their hard work has finally started paying off as cases as compared to other districts are very less and there is a significant decrease in fatalities.

District Magistrate Shopian, Sachin Kumar recently said that achieving the target of vaccinating all above 45 age group and adherence of people on Covid protocol has helped them largely while fatality rate in Shopian is just 0.5 percent.

Ganderbal has also vaccinated over 99 percent of the population above 45 group and are set to achieve 100 percent target in coming days.

Jammu was the first district to achieve the target of vaccinating the whole population above 45 age. Officials said that people in the district were less hesitant as compared to other districts.

Samba district has also vaccinated around 98 percent of the total population above 45 and officials from the district said that due to shortage of vaccine for a few days, their target got delayed.

In total around 67 percent of the population above 45 and 94 percent of the population of the same age group in Jammu division have been vaccinated—(KNO)

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