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Come November; PDD all set to dole out power curtailment schedule for Kashmir

Chief Engineer KPDCL says curtailing electricity in some areas during day hours only due to preventive maintenance, branch cutting

Srinagar, October 18, 2021: The Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Limited (KPDCL) on Monday said that it has not come up with any curtailment schedule as of now, adding that the schedule would likely be announced next week.

However, the authorities said that electricity is being snatched during day hours at some places for preventive maintenance and branch cutting.

Chief Engineer, KPDCL, Aijaz Ahmad Dar said that there is no curtailment schedule as of now.

“The curtailment schedule has not been issued so far while the electricity is not being snatched in morning and evening hours across the Valley,” he said.

Nonetheless, Dar said that the curtailment schedule would likely be announced in the next week.

Chief Engineer also added that during the day hours, the electricity remains affected in some places due to preventive maintenance and branch cutting.

The preventive maintenance and branch cutting as per the officials is aimed to ensure that there is no damage during the snowfall in the Valley.

Pertinently, the government has directed the department to ensure all the measures including the branch cutting is done ahead of the harsh winter period in the Valley.

Meanwhile, sources told KNO that the department is mulling to ensure less curtailment during the winter period as compared to previous year.

The department has appealed the consumers to cooperate, saying that the cooperation from the consumers will help in ensuring electricity with less curtailment during the coming winter period—(KNO)

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