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BSF officials lodge strong protest over drone activity on IB with Pak rangers

‘Pakistani rangers were asked to refrain from drone movement on IB, both commanders agreed to resolve issues mutually'

Srinagar, November 24, 2021: BSF officials held a commandant level meeting with Pakistan rangers at the International Border (IB) at the border outpost at Octroi in Jammu and lodged a strong protest over violation of IB through drone movement.

In a statement issued to news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), a BSF spokesman said that  BSF and Pakistan Rangers commandant level border meeting was held between BSF and Pakistan Rangers at the International border of BOP Octroi.

“BSF delegation was led by Ajay Suryavanshi, Commandant and the Pakistan delegation was led by Wing commander Lt. Col Aquil of 13 Wing Chenab Rangers. During the meeting commander of both border guarding forces discussed various issues including maintenance of border pillars and latest infrastructure activities on border, Pakistan Drone operations and other activities,” the spokesman said, adding that the Pakistani Rangers objected to the BSF defence construction work. “Both commanders also agreed to resolve all operational matters and border issues through mutual understanding,” the statement said.

It said that a strong protest was lodged by BSF regarding violation of IB by Pakistan based drones and also apprised the Pakistani commander to refrain from such activities.

“The meeting was held in a cordial & constructive atmosphere and both commanders agreed to work for maintaining a peaceful atmosphere on the border,” the statement added—(KNO)

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