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Awantipora Police arrests a drug peddler, contraband substance recovered

Awantipora, January 24, 2021 : Police in a recent action against drug dealings in Awantipora have arrested a drug peddler and recovered contraband substance from his possession.

Officers at a checkpoint established at Literabal Gas Plant Pampore intercepted a suspicious person identified as Abdul Hameed Sheikh resident of Dounnar Pampore. During search, officers were able to recover 06 grams of Heroin from his possession. He has been arrested and shifted to police station Pampore, where he remains in custody.

Accordingly, case FIR No. 10/2021 under relevant sections of law has been registered in Police Station Pampore and investigation in the matter has been initiated.

Community members are requested to come forward with any information regarding drug peddlers in their neighbourhood. Persons found indulging in drug peddling will be dealt as per law. Police has resolved to deal robustly with drug peddlers.

Our consistent actions against drug peddlers should reassure the community members that we are making efforts to keep our society free from the scourge of drug menace.

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