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Apni Party holds protest against retrieval of State-land from poor people in Poonch

Retrieval of land will displace poor families: Shah Mohd Tantray

Poonch, January 16, 2023: Apni Party leaders today protested against the anti-encroachment drive on the direction of the Govt to retrieve the stateland from the people.

The protest was led by District President, Poonch of Apni Party, Ex – MLA Shah Mohammed Tantray in which hundreds of Party workers participated to express anguish over the Govt directions. The meeting was presided over by Cap Balraj Datta (Shorya Chaker).

Speaking on the occasion, Shah Mohammed Tantray said that he welcomed the anti-encroachment drive against land grabbers who misused the powers and grabbed lands.

“However, as Poonch is concerned, humders of marginalized sections of society, who were having no knowledge about revenue proceedings have been identified under anti-encroachment drives,” he said.

He further said that “Govt must differentiate grabbers and poors as the drive will affect the poor and marginalized section of society.”

As the issue will affect hundreds of people, he said that the Apni Party will not allow demolishing of even one house of poors.

“Govt should restore Statehood and hold assembly elections to restore confidence of the people as the authorities are misusing their powers,” he said. The Apni Party leaders submitted a memorandum with regard to the demands of the people to the DDC Poonch.

Prominent among those who participated in the protest include Alhaj Bashir Khaki, Sr Surjan Singh, Cap Balraj Datta (Shorya Chaker,) Sr Rajinder Singh, Prof Ragbir Singh, Ghulam Rasool Janbaz, Choudhary Javid, Choudhary Ghulam Din, BK Bali, Abdul Jabar Tantray, Iqbal Tantray Rashid Sofi, Imran Khan and others.

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