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Ajaz Kazmi extends support to protesting J&K Bank’s ATM guards

Jammu, November 11, 2021: Apni Trade Union President, Ajaz Kazmi has criticized the monthly salary cut of ATM guards serving in J&K Banks.

Extending support to the protesting security guards posted in JK Banks, Kazmi said that the decision to cut their salary of the security guards is an unjustified decision taken by the company which has taken over the security of the JK Bank’s ATMs.

“We have learnt that most of the employees are also being fired by the said company from the job in view of growing resentment among the guards,” he said.

He further said that the Govt must intervene and implement the labour laws on the security guards who are being pushed to the wall by cutting their salary without thinking about how their families would survive when the essential commodities prices have increased.

“The Bank chairman must take a decision in this regard and black list the company managing security guards these days so that the inhuman decision can be rectified and the guards who are fired can be re-employed,” he said.

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