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After 30 years Still Farooq Abdullah discouraging Return of  KPs to Valley: Priya Sethi

NC responsible for separatism, communal hatred among people in J&K

JAMMU, October 23, 2021: Senior BJP leader ,BJP HQ incarge and Former minister J & K Priya Sethi today slammed the former Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir and senior National Conference leader Farooq Abdullah for giving sermons on divisive politics and dismantling walls of hatred.
In a statement issued here today, Priya Sethi said “It is a ‘tragedy’ that after sowing the seeds of hatred and divisive politics from decades and propagating the same by way of tacitly supporting terrorism and forcing exodus of Kashmiri Pandits, Farooq Abdullah once again trying to befool the people of Jammu by giving sermons on dismantling walls of hatred
She added that but people of Jammu now has understood his communal politics fully.
Former minister furter added that he was CM When there was a forced exodus of KashmiriPandits from valley and he is responsible for forced exodus of around 7 lakh KPs  from the Valley of Kashmir .
This forced exodus  was result of his hidden agenda for which he was condemned by several nations of the world as he was the chief minister of the erstwhile State of J&K in 1989-90 She added.
Priya Sethi said that she is shocked that instead of encouraging and welcoming KPs to Valley back ,Dr Farooq Abdullah as per media reports today has  said that Return of Pandits not possible till conducive atmosphere prevails in Valley..
Priya said that it has  shocked the nation today and After reading the media news ,it seemd  that even after 30 years of forced exodus of Pandits,The people like Farooq Abdullah are not interested in Return of KPs to Valley as instead of encouraging them to return he is saying that Return of Pandits not possible…….
Priya Sethi Who is the Special invite to NWC too further said that leaders like Farooq Abdullah had contributed a lot in spoiling the image of country in the past too.
She said that Farooq Abdullha who is desperately longing for a political refuge today was once used  used to dance on the tunes of the Pakistan .
She said that it was Farooq Abdullah, under whose regime Kashmir witnessed threats, rapes, selective killings,migration of KPs and when the entire valley was burning he left the place like a coward and flew to London, letting down the all Kashmiri people including minorities that time.
Ridiculing Farooq Abdullah’s fake concern over identity of Jammu, she said that the three generations of National Conference are responsible for separatism and communal hatred among the people instead of binding the people of Jammu and Kashmir regions.
Priya Sethi,former Minister said that the way the BJP Government at the Centre under the leadership of Narendra Modi has propelled the development in the UT and soon there will be no takers for Pakistan’s narrative on Kashmir as the people are happy and pleased with the progress which Jammu and Kashmir has been witnessing after saying goodbye to Article 370…

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