ADKUF facilitates KPs representative body’s first meet; adhoc working body framed
Jammu, August 6, 2023: All Displaced Kashmiri United Forum (ADUKF) today facilitated the first meeting of the newly created representative body of Displaced Kashmiri Pandits where an 11-member adhoc committee was framed to take forward the mission set out by the representative body for the welfare of Kashmiri Pandits (KPs).

It may be recalled that ADKUF has been meeting different KP organisations, individuals, intelligentsia and all strata of the Kashmiri Pandit community in order to bring them under one umbrella where community welfare can be discussed and a unanimous decision taken to take the community forward and work for the overall welfare of the displaced community.
Many such meetings took place after which a meeting was organised on June 18, 2023 and the final meeting of many community stalwarts was organised on July 23, 2023 where a 33-member coordination committee consisting of a variety of community stalwarts from every section including, intelligentsia, media, social, political and literary fields was framed to chalk out the future course of action.

The first meeting of the members designated as representative body of KPs was held on August 6, 2023 at Sanskriti Bhawan where most of the community stalwarts nominated to the representative body participated and discussed the community issues threadbare.
An adhoc committee of 11 members was framed on the occasion to take the further course of action including framing of the agenda, and other issues.
The adhoc committee framed include Prem Nath Raina, Advo. Chooni Lal Bhat, Pran Pandit, M.K.Yogi, King C Bharati, Desh Rattan, Ram Avtar Bhat, Sundari Lal Koul, Ashok Dhar & PK Raina.
Senior community stalwart Moti Lal Malla was nominated to lead the adhoc group as its head.

Text of the note issued by ADKUF: Today, the very first meeting of this newly created representative body of Displaced Kashmiri Pandits was held in Sanaskriti Bhavan, Roop Nagar Jammu which was arranged by ADKUF (All Displaced Kashmiri United Forum) .
This meeting was Presided over by a very renowned personality and a social Activist Shreemaan Brij Lal Bhat.
There was a threadbare ” Manthan” over the agenda which was, 1) the need of having one plateform for KP Leadership to fight for the cause of KP’s, 2) the need of having this Representative Body and 3) the need to sort out agenda to be taken into hands by this Representative Body.
Every speaker praised the role played by ADKUF for making this dream of Displaced Kashmiri Pandit Community come true and favoured today’s points of agenda by giving their best suggestions and valuable opinions.

Finally, it was decided unanimously to nominate some members from among the group to find out the ways and means to make this Platform strong enough for achieving acceptability in the community and making its reach possible to every head and heart of the Displaced Kashmiri Pandit Community. The members nominated for the purpose are: Prem Nath Raina, Advo. Chooni Lal Bhat, Pran Pandit, M.K.Yogi, King C Bharati, Desh Rattan, Ram Avtar Bhat, Sundari Lal Koul, Ashok Dhar & PK Raina.
Senior community stalwart Moti Lal Malla was nominated to lead the adhoc group as its head.
Those Esteemed Personalities who attended today’s meeting are: Pran Pandit, Dr. Susheel Wattal, Kuldeep Raina, Prof. B L Zutshi, Com. M L Raina, B B Gosaien, Desh Rattan, Prem Nath Raina, M K Bangroo, Sundari Lal Koul, Ashok Dhar, Subash Chatta, A, K. Raina, Dr. Ramesh Bhat, R. K. Bhat, M L Malla, King C Bharati, M. K. Yogi, Anil Bhan, and the team ADKUF.
The suggestions were penned down to be taken into first hand consideration.
In his presidential address Shree Brij Lal Bhat expressed his satisfaction over the outcome of this meeting and requested/appealed all members to have faith and trust over each other and keep fear of God in mind while contributing towards this group for the sake of hopeless Displaced Kashmiri Pandit Community.
The meeting culminated with the recitation of Vedic Mantra’s. (MK Koul)