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NPP urged Parliament to restore statehood of J&K, Involve regional political parties

Jammu, September 15, 2020: An urgent online meeting was held by J&K National Panthers Party urging the Parliament of India for intervention of restoration of 200 years old statehood of J&K in the interest of strengthening national integration from Kashmir to Kanyakumari without delay. The State of J&K comprising over 84,000 sq. miles was established by the Dogra Maharaja Gulab Singh in 1846.

NPP Supremo made strong appeal to the Members of Parliament all over the country to take up this matter so that the foreign agencies shall be stopped from making mouse-holes into the most strategic state of the Union of India which integrated with the Union in 1947 in accordance with the law made by the British Parliament in 1946.

When Maharaja Hari Singh acceded the State of J&K territory was spread over 84,000 sq. miles. It included Gilgit-Baltistan, POK as well as Gilgit territory occupied by China by a fraudulent agreement signed by Pakistan transferring nearly 5000 sq. miles which today is under the illegal control of China. Pakistan for the first time in history connected Beijing (China) with Peshawar (Pakistan, Asia). This was and is violation of international law by China.

Today, China and Pakistan together controlled more than half of the Indian Territory (Jammu and Kashmir) in violation of international law. This violation of international law was exposed by Mr. Krishna Menon in the fifties and sixties during his eight hours address in the Security Council on this subject exposing illegal occupation over Indian Territory (POK, Gilgit-Baltistan) and by China in the Karakoram sector.

Prof.Bhim Singh informed the Members of Parliament that CIA is playing a dangerous game even today to ensure that the present J&K (India) is dissected once again. This is the reason that the State of J&K has been demolished and reduced to Union Territory. This is an international conspiracy that India’s claim over all territories of J&K in Gilgit & Baltistan shall loose its legal and international claim over all the territories of J&K including half of occupied J&K illegally by Pakistan and China. Naturally, a Union Territory in India (like J&K) shall loose its international claim over the territories occupied by Pakistan and China. Because those territories are registered as a State of J&K and not as Union Territory.

Restoration of statehood of J&K is highly essential even in relation to international law keeping our claim over the entire territory under Pakistan and China in J&K. India shall not be able to claim any occupied territory by Pakistan and China or any other country as a Union Territory.

Prof.Bhim Singh has proposed an international convocation on this subject somewhere in Asia at the earliest. India’s sovereignty vis-à-vis J&K is under serious threat unless statehood of J&K is restored by the Parliament. He urged the President of India to advise the Union Govt. to constitute a committee of the political persons/statesmen who are aware about the historical background of the northern state of J&K.

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