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Modi stresses Capacity Building for Employees

Omkar Dattatray

Omkar Dattarey

In this world everything is dynamic, changing and in a state of flux and the employees, government officers and all those manning the system should also be abreast of the changing scenario and they should not feel themselves redundant .Therefore for this the importance of capacity building is very much and so all the government officials should participate in the programs of capacity building so that the keep themselves aware of the changing contours of the organizations and departments. Prime minister Narendra Modi inaugurated first ever National Training  Conclave at the International Exhibition and Convention Centre in Pragati Maidan on Sunday .Modi emphasized the need ,necessity and importance of service orientation of government workers and stressed the need for meeting the aspirations of the common  citizenry by the government officials .At every level and state of the administrative hierarchy there is need for capacity building of the government employees so that they are kept informed about the changes in the conditions and systems of work .Modi also said that it is the responsibility of the government employees to boost the faith of the public in the government system and stressed the need and importance of capacity building for all government officials and emphasized ending working in silos and increasing service delivery .He also impressed on the need of Jan Bhagidari –people’s participation and also the zeal to innovate  and improve the system so that good service is provided to the citizens .

Modi stressed that the experience of every employees should be used to improve the system and deliver the best services to the common man .There is need to orient and develop training modules in such a way as to inculcate in the government officials  all these necessary things .The training should nature the potential of the employees at all the levels of the system and the employees should break the hierarchy and meet the aspirations of the public .Moreover the employees should work with missionary zeal and spirit and work with great dedication and devotion to work .Only money should not be the sole criteria of doing government work but service to the people should be the motto of all government officials .Modi referred to his experience as the chief minister of Gujarat and the prime minister of the country and said that there is no dearth of talented and dedicated employees and the need is to nurture their potential so that they will deliver best possible service to the public .He further said that just as the army has built impeachable credibility for itself in the eyes of the countrymen ,so it is the responsibility and bounden duty of all employees to boost the faith of the citizens in the governmental system and delivery mechanism .

Modi while addressing the big gathering of the officer and employees of the government narrated several anecdotes and stories from his rich fund of knowledge and experience which showed his political and administrative experience as per the statement of PMO .He also said that there is much change in the attitude of the employees in relation to their posting in training institutes .Earlier posting in training institutes was considered as punishment but now this notion has changed for better .Modi laid stress that the training institutes are the most important places which nurture the potential of the officers and employees so that they work in proper way and deliver the best services to the people .He also talked about vertical and horizontal silos as well as the shackles of hierarchy and exhorted the employees to overcome these barriers and meet the aspirations of the people .Modi stressed the need to gain administrative skill and the experience for working from those who are much experienced irrespective of the hierarchy and meet the needs and aspirations of the people .He further said that training should inculcate the spirit of Jan Baghdari  in all employees and credited the success of Swach Bharat Mission ,Aspirational Districts Programme and such other schemes of the government to the peoples participation .In a democracy the involvement and participation of the people is very much needed and it is only on the sound basis of peoples participation that the best services will be delivered to the common citizens .

Modi said that training is for each and every employee at every level and thus iGOT Karmayogi platform has brought about a level playing field as it gives opportunities to everyone to actively participate in the training and become an asset for the department /organization .According to Modi Karmayogi Mission seeks to improve the orientation ,mindset and approach needed for improvement of governmental system so that it meets the aspirations of the people .This mission also seeks to make the employees contented and happy and so because of the attitudinal change in the employees they will work to their fullest capacity and capability in order to meet the demands and expectations of the public .In short what is needed is that the officers and employees should be oriented with capacity building training programs so that they can serve the public in the best manner and also to change the notion of the people towards the government system and this is a welcome development and it should be encouraged for the good of the employees and the public .

Modi said that the present conclave is to learn and serve better .He also tweeted that ,’’Attended the National Training Conclave today a part of our efforts to learn and serve better .Highlighted the importance of capacity building ,ending silos and enhancing service delivery.’’Modi said we shall continue to turn the challenges into opportunities for transforming the country  into new India.   

(The author is a columnist, social and KP activist)

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