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Kashmiri play ‘Chopaeyer Yee Gash’, approved by Ministry of Culture, GoI, highlighting issues facing Kashmiri Pandit community, staged in Jammu

The plot of the play revolves around three generations and each despite financial security face differently, issues ranging from identity crisis in terms of the disconnect with language, loss of traditional values, as well as the demands of new ways of life which are affecting relationships amongst family members.

King C Bharati, Pummy Zutshi, Prakriti Sharma, Anil Bhat and Ishu Bharati Pandit in a scene in Kashmiri Play ‘Chopaeyer Yee Gash’ staged at Abhinav Theatre in Jammu

Jammu, April 22, 2022: Vemedh Rangmanch (Vomedh) enthralled the audience in Jammu by an impressive performance of Vomedh Rangmanch’s Kashmiri play ‘Chopaeyer Yee Gash’ approved by Ministry of Culture Government of India (GoI) at the Abhinav Theatre, here on Friday.

King C Bharati in a scene in Kashmiri Play ‘Chopaeyer Yee Gash’ staged at Abhinav Theatre in Jammu

‘Chopaeyer Yee Gash’, written by Rakesh Roshan Bhat and Directed by Rohit Bhat, witnessed by a large number of children and other audience is a satirical take on the current problems faced by the Kashmir Pandits who after migration having lost age-old moorings are trying to find their place in new socio-cultural milieus.

Pummy Zutshi, Anil Bhat and Ishu Bharati Pandit in a scene in Kashmiri Play ‘Chopaeyer Yee Gash’ staged at Abhinav Theatre in Jammu

The plot of the play revolves around three generations and each despite financial security face differently, issues ranging from identity crisis in terms of the disconnect with language, loss of traditional values, as well as the demands of new ways of life which are affecting relationships amongst family members.

Rahul Kilam and Bharati Kaul in a scene in Kashmiri Play ‘Chopaeyer Yee Gash’ staged at Abhinav Theatre in Jammu

Yamraj, the god of death, comes to earth to take away the soul of one Veerji. Finding three persons with the same name but belonging to different generations, he decides to take the one who is himself willing to go. After watching everyday lives of three characters, he feels pity as all of them are so fed up that they prey to be taken away from the world. The Yamraj finds a solution and the play ends on a hopeful note.

The play a mix of melodrama and realism highly entertained the audience who enjoyed the showcasing of the traditional lifestyle of KPs in terms of attire, settings, and enactment of the true to the life conflict amongst the generation which was very well brought out in idiomatic dialogues full of fun and satire.

Ajay Waguzari and Dr Ramesh Nirash in a scene in Kashmiri Play ‘Chopaeyer Yee Gash’ staged at Abhinav Theatre in Jammu

All members of the cast gave good performances.  The character played were Pummy Zutshi as Roopwati/Pyari, Dilshad Ahmed Shazi Khan Kirmani as Sadhu, Himagini Moza as Daizy, Puneet J Bali as Yamraj, Rahul Kilam as Veerji Wanchoo 1, Bharti Koul as Mother of Veerji 1, King C Bharati as Veerji Wanchoo 2, Ajay Waguzari as Veerji Wanchoo 3, Ishu Bharati Pandit as Seth ji, Anil Bhat as Sahib ji, Prakrati Sharma as Daughter of Veerji Wanchoo 2, Suman Bhat as Wife of Veerji Wanchoo 3 and Dr Ramesh Nirash as Shubanji and Priya Bhat as Raantas.

King C Bharati and Pummy Zutshi in a scene of Kashmiri play ‘Chopaeyer Yee Gash’
Puneet J Bali and Shazi Khan in a scene of the Kashmiri play ‘Chopaeyer Yee Gash’

The set was designed by Virji Sumbly, lights and sound by Ravinder Sharma, Sandy, Lokesh Ji and Tara Ji, costumes by Bharati Koul, make up by Shammi property and stage management Irfana Bano Mir, Back stage Kamakshya Dogra, Amit Gupta and Sachin Sharma.

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