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LG Mathur convenes meeting with Regional Director, RBI

Leh, September 06, 2021: The Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor RK Mathur held a meeting with the Regional Director RBI, J&K and Ladakh, Kamal P Patnaik and discussed strategies for the improvement of banking services in Ladakh.

LG Mathur discussed the need for conducting spatial analysis to find uncovered areas and suggested RBI to explore innovative ideas such as use of OB vans to cover far flung areas without internet connectivity.

Further, he impressed upon focusing on the functionality of the ATMs and highlighted the need to set up ATMs at important locations. The Lieutenant Governor stated that the use of VSATs for internet connection and solar energy for power back up to set up ATM facilities and banking services in off the grid areas. He said that this will be an innovative project and suggested RBI to undertake a pilot based on this module.

While discussing the need for the promotion of digital transactions, LG Mathur suggested that Banks may aim at making digitization mandatory first for commercial establishments in the towns viz. Leh and Kargil.

General Manager, RBI, J&K Sandeep Mittal was also present during the meeting.

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